Learn more about our Master in Water Resources Engineering!
Se trata de un curso de enseñanza avalado por la Universidad de Zaragoza en el que concurre un equipo multidisciplinar de profesores universitarios, científicos y profesionales para proporcionar una formación seria, completa y de carácter aplicado en un tema de gran interés actual y mucha proyección futura.
Mathematical Modelling
All kind of environmental flows can be represented by means of mathematical equations: from the movement of the water or the transport of contaminants to the river bed evolution, the landslides or the aquifers flow.
Numerical Techniques
There are different approaches that go from the one-dimensional point of view to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional frameworks. Numerical methods are necessary for the resolution of the complex equations that govern the physical phenomena.
Fast & Accurate solutions
Advanced implementations of numerical solvers on High Performance Computing platforms are required to simulate complex phenomena in an affordable time. In particular, efficient numerical tools on hardware accelerators (i.e. GPUs) are developed
Mathematical Modelling
All kind of environmental flows can be represented by means of mathematical equations: from the movement of the water or the transport of contaminants to the river bed evolution, the landslides or the aquifers flow.
Numerical Techniques
There are different approaches that go from the one-dimensional point of view to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional frameworks. Numerical methods are necessary for the resolution of the complex equations that govern the physical phenomena.
Fast & Accurate solutions
Advanced implementations of numerical solvers on High Performance Computing platforms are required to simulate complex phenomena in an affordable time. In particular, efficient numerical tools on hardware accelerators (i.e. GPUs) are developed