Titulo: Predictive methods for the management of fluvial systems in extreme water resources situations. Application to the Pyreneean basin. CTPP04/08,
Universidad de Zaragoza, Confederacion Hidrografica del Ebro, ENIT (Tarbes), UPC (Barcelona), CACG (Francia), 2009-2010,
Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos. Gobierno de Aragón

PREGO was a French-Spanish project aiming to develop and implement predictive methods of multilevel management of hydrographic systems in order to provide a decision aid in crisis situations for the water resource in the Pyrenean massif. The goals are: Modeling of flow combined with the inflows and the withdrawal for a simulation consistent with the management horizon. Modeling of crisis situations: flood or lack of resource. Data consistency and diagnosis of the hydrographic network state. Management of large scale networks with controlled and not controlled hydrographic subsystems. Impact of a crisis situation in a subsystem on the management of the total network. Crisis management and decision aid. Application to hydrographic networks of the Pyrenean massif.