Javier Murillo and Adrián Navas at EGU2017

May 9, 2017

The European Geosciences Union General Assembly was celebrated at Vienna (Austria) on 23-28 April 2017

14.496 participants including A. Navas and J. Murillo participated in this important and special scientific and interdisciplinary event. They presented two posters:

Numerical shockwave anomalies in presence of hydraulic jumps in the SWE with variable bed elevation
Authors: Adrian Navas-Montilla and Javier Murillo
Session: Modelling Earth surface processes and geomorphic flows: methods and validation


Stratified flows with variable density: mathematical modelling and numerical challenges
Authors: Javier Murillo and Adrian Navas-Montilla
Session: Investigation of sediment transport processes due to geophysical flows


More information can be found here